A high percentage of Medway youth are learning to manage their mental health concerns, and most are supported by a parent or caregiver. Those caring for children with mental health concerns often feel overwhelmed with figuring out how to best support their loved ones while finding time for self-care. Paula LeBlanc, Famly Partner at You Inc., will be facilitating a monthly group aimed at supporting caregivers of children with mental health concerns and creating peer connections. The first meeting will occur at the Medway Public Library, 26 High Street on September 28 at 6:30 PM. For a full meeting schedule, topic descriptions, and to register, please click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yobv3kp8FcRuNcfIpwSNGehaFtjjJxcX/view
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Caregiver Connections & Support Group
Medway Schools and Public Health Department have partnered to offer a COVID-19 and influenza vaccine clinic. The COVID-19 vaccine will be offered to children ages 6 months to 11 years old, and the flu vaccine will be offered to anyone over 3 years old. The vaccine clinic will be held at the Burke-Memorial Cafeteria on October 6 and November 3, from 3:30-6:00 PM. For more details and to register, please click here https://www.medwayschools.org/article/836326
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
COVID/FLU Vaccine Clinic 10/6 & 11/3
The next meeting of the School Committee is Thursday, September 15 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the presentation room Door #7 at the Middle School 45 Holliston Street. Agenda items include the review of the following policies: fuel-efficient vehicles, school admission & dress, non-discrimination including harassment & retaliation, equal employment opportunity, professional staff positions, equal educational opportunities, school choice, pest management control, emergency closings, buildings, and grounds management & security & student discipline. The introduction of SEPAC and an update on the entry plan by Dr. Ryan Place, Director of Student Services. www.medwayschools.org/Agenda
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
School Committee Meeting on Thursday, September 15
It's a beautiful day outside, but fall is right around the corner. Check out the Community Bulletin and get started on making your fall plans! https://conta.cc/3RPpQ8f
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
community bulletin - September 9
Please complete this short survey and be entered to win a gift certificate to a local establishment. The information being gathered is to ensure that the coalition's prevention efforts will effectively address the local challenges and reinforce the protective factors to keep and improve Medway as a healthy and safe community, especially for youth. Find the link to the survey in the post below. www.medwayschools.org/SUPMedwaySurvey
almost 2 years ago, McGovern Elementary
SUP Medway - please take a short survey
Please remember there are NO preschool classes tomorrow as it is an assessment day. School will resume on Monday, September 12th for preschool. Kindergarten and 1st grade students have school tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, McGovern Elementary School
Don't Forget!
Follow all Medway Schools NOW on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram! Like or follow one or all of Medway Public Schools! Fb: @medwayhighschool @medwaymiddleschool @burkememorial @mcgovernelem Twitter: @medwayhighinfo @medwaymiddle @burkememorial @mcgovernelem Insta: @medwayhighschool @medwaymiddle31 @burkememorialelem @mcgovernelem Please note, these pages are for information sharing ONLY. All questions should be directed to your child's school or teacher.
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
follow all medway schools on social media
Stay up-to-date. Now you can follow McGovern Elementary School on Facebook & Instagram as well as Twitter. Fb (@mcgovernelem), Twitter (@mcgovernelem), & Insta (@mcgovernelem)
about 2 years ago, McGovern Elementary
Follow McGovern Elementary on Social!
McGovern Elementary School will be CLOSED on Friday, September 2, and Monday, September 5 in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. We welcome all students back to the classroom on Tuesday, September 6. Enjoy a safe and fun long weekend with family and friends!
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Seeking Substitute Teachers for all schools! Sending an email to Alison Corshia at alcorshia@medwayschools.org or apply through School Spring using this link: https://www.medwayschools.org/page/human-resources
about 2 years ago, McGovern Elementary
Substitutes needed for all Medway Public Schools
All schools within the Medway Public School System are currently seeking Paraprofessionals. If you are interested or know someone that is, we encourage you to apply through School Spring using this link: https://www.medwayschools.org/page/human-resources
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Paraprofessionals wanted at all medway schools
We are excited to welcome back students in Pre-K & K on Thursday, September 1! We can't wait to see you all! #newbeginnings
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Welcome back to students in Pre-K & K
We are looking forward to welcoming our students Back to School next week! The first day of school for all students in Grade 1 is August 31, 2022. The first day of school for Preschool and Kindergarten students is September 1, 2022. #newbeginnings
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Welcome back to students in grade 1 on 8/31
Our preschoolers had a great time at our playdate. They even got to take a bus ride! Hope you join us for Kindergarten Playground Night tonight starting at 5:30 PM!
about 2 years ago, McGovern Elementary School
Preschoolers loving the bus!
School Lunch for the '22-'23 school year will be free for all students. We encourage you to complete the attached form. In doing so, you may find that you qualify for other financial benefits such as the waiver of athletic fees, AP exam fees, Community Ed program fees & more! Please click this link for more information and to fill out the form: https://www.medwayschools.org/.../food-services-free...
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Free breakfast and lunch at Medway Public Schools
Due to the forecasted weather for tomorrow, we are postponing our Kindergarten Playground Night sponsored by MEPTO. The rain date is Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 5:30 PM. We hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, McGovern Elementary School
New date for Kindergarten Playground Night!
The Medway Public School System is required to obtain the latest demographic and health information for our students. This information is always kept private and complies with all FERPA and HIPPA regulations. All families must utilize the online Parent Portal system to update information and stay current with your child's progress, schedule, and enter absence requests. Beginning August 17, 2022, we will require all families to log in and complete the “Yearly Information Update” process by reviewing the current demographic/health information on file. If you need a Parent Portal account, please email parent@medwayschools.org, and we will be happy to forward an account activation code. The Parent Portal can be accessed by clicking here. Please log in and complete the review by clicking MORE > YEARLY INFORMATION UPDATE by September 15.
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Infinite Campus Reminder to Update Information in Parent Portal
We have 7 open seats for community peers in our preschool integrated program. Email amcdonald@medwayschools.org if you are interested in a seat. More information can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e1VeDmvBsuoJOrAF7GUxORGlAu3PT-CWPORQWgQYkl0/edit
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
McGovern School has 7 openings in their preschool program
Please find the bus routes for the 2022-2023 school year. You can access the bus routes on our website here: https://www.medwayschools.org/page/parents-and-students-bus-schedules
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Medway public schools release 2022-23 bus schedule
Did you know, the first day of kindergarten and preschool is September 1, 2022? We are looking forward to seeing you!!
about 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
First Day of kindergarten is September 1