Just a reminder: McGovern has an early release day on Wednesday 2/7. Preschool students will dismiss at 11:05 AM and kindergarten and 1st grade will dismiss at 12:00 PM.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Don't miss the event generating all the "buzz"! Register a team for MFE's trivia bee- an enjoyable evening supporting our Medway schools. The event is on February 27 from 7:00-9:00 pm at the Burke/Memorial Cafeteria, 16 Cassidy Lane. https://bit.ly/3SvD63E
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
MFE-Trivia Bee
If you are interested in a preschool community peer seat for your child, please review this document: https://bit.ly/3SvD63E for information on how to sign up for the preschool lottery. Sign-up for the lottery opens today, Monday, February 5th, and closes on Friday, March 8th, at 4:00 pm. The preschool lottery will occur at McGovern School on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 11:00 am. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Sue Frederick at sfrederick@medwayschools.org.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Preschool lottery
Good afternoon McGovern Families, Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is the 100th Day of School. Students and staff are welcome to dress up like a 100 year old or wear a 100 day t-shirt. See you tomorrow! Best, Amy McDonald, Principal
about 1 year ago, McGovern Elementary School
100th Day
Medway Public Schools has the following opening positions: Administrative Assistant to the Director of Facilities, paraprofessionals, daily substitutes, food services, daily substitutes, Food services, speech & language pathologist, school psychologist (HS), spring (2024) coaching positions. If interested, email hr@medwayschools.org.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
MPS job openings
The MFPA is excited to host a Musical Bingo Night Fundraiser on February 8 at the Medway Middle School from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. MFPA's 2nd annual musical bingo night is a family-friendly event for all ages! Registration fee is $10/per person, $50/family. Gather your friends and play for some prizes as you listen to great music DJ'd by Mr. Herbst again this year. All proceeds benefit the Medway Performing Arts Programs. Register here: https://conta.cc/3UqCYW6
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
MFPA musical bingo
Good morning everyone, We have gotten several calls about the police presence at drop off this morning. Medway Police Officers were here to greet children on their way in and give out "High Fives." There was absolutely no emergency at McGovern, just a fun start to our day.
about 1 year ago, McGovern Elementary School
Medway Police Welcomes McGovern students
Join the School Committee & Superintendent for a joint public forum and chat on February 8, 2024. Please join us to discuss the FY25 budget and to offer your input. The meeting will be held in the presentation room at the Medway Middle School, 45 Holliston Street at 6:00 pm.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Public Forum/Chat
The next meeting of the School Committee is Thursday, February 1, 2024, at 6:00 pm. Action items include considering accepting, modifying, or rejecting the recommended changes to the Transportation Program and setting the early childhood tuition rate. Additional agenda items include a presentation on the FY25 budget planning and priorities and a discussion on the mid-cycle review of Superintendents' goals, 24/25 athletic fees, FY24 grant awards, and school committee community engagement. Read the complete agenda here: https://bit.ly/3SiUBV6. The meeting will be in the Presentation Room at the Medway Middle School, 45 Holliston Street, Door 7.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
School Committee Meeting
Medway T.H.R.I.V.E., in partnership with Medfield Public Schools, is offering an opportunity for parents to engage with Dr. Devorah Heitner on how to support students growing up in the digital age. For more information and to register for the webinar which will take place on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 7:00 pm., please click here: https://bit.ly/3SDigkk
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Growing up in public
Reminder, there will be an early release day tomorrow, Wednesday, January 31 for PK-12 in support of professional development time for educators and support staff. Dismissal times are as follows: Medway Middle School: 11:02 a.m. Burke-Memorial Elementary: 11:30 a.m. Medway High School: 11:34 a.m. McGovern Elementary: 12:00 p.m.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
professional development
Kindergarten registration will open on February 5 for the 2024-2025 school year. 2024-2025 kindergarten students must be five years old by August 31, 2024. Registration information will be available in three locations: 1) online, 2). Office of the Superintendent at 45 Holliston St., and 3). Office of the McGovern School at 9 Lovering St. More information will be available in the coming weeks for planning purposes, including Kindergarten Camp dates. We look forward to welcoming our Class of 2037 to the Medway Public Schools!
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Kindergarten reg
Kindergarten registration will open on February 5 for the 2024-2025 school year. 2024-2025 kindergarten students must be five years old by August 31, 2024. Registration information will be available in three locations; 1) online, 2). Office of the Superintendent at 45 Holliston St., and 3). Office of the McGovern School at 9 Lovering St. More information will be available in the coming weeks for planning purposes, including Kindergarten Camp dates. We look forward to welcoming our Class of 2037 to the Medway Public Schools!
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
kindergarten reg 2024
There will be early release days on Wednesday, January 31, and February 7 to support professional development time for educators and support staff. Dismissal times are as follows: Medway Middle School: 11:02 am. Burke-Memorial Elementary: 11:30 am. Medway High School: 11:34 am. McGovern Elementary: noon.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Embrace the chill! Register for your favorite winter program today and discover plenty to keep you warm and engaged in this week's Community Bulletin. https://conta.cc/3tY9Qug
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Community Bulletin - January 19 edition
One of the things people enjoy about alcohol is that it lowers inhibitions. This creates the experience of finding it easier to do certain things: public speaking, approaching someone we find attractive, getting over social anxiety, and the like. However, the more we rely on a substance to create a chemical effect to help us with our behavior, the more we need the substance to do the same thing and the more anxious we feel about doing those things without the substance. This is a recipe for psychological dependence. The longer road of practice and discipline will increase anxiety in the short term but, over time, will lower your anxiety response and increase confidence and proficiency. You will not need a substance to do those things. Plus, you get to avoid things like hangovers, liver damage, weight gain, risk of diabetes, etc. Thank you to Brian Crockett of Brian Crockett Counseling for this Brain Boost. #buildingbrightbrains
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
SUP Medway - Building Bright Brains
Just a reminder: There are no preschool classes tomorrow January 19, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Please be advised that due to illness, the School Committee will NOT vote tonight (1/18) during its meeting on the transportation recommendations. We will keep you updated on the schedule for the vote. We appreciate your patience.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Transportation vote postponed
Given this afternoon’s forecast and anticipated deteriorating travel conditions, we are canceling all after-school and evening activities, including sporting events and practices and community education programming, for today, January 16, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Exciting News! The School Committee has added additional office hours on Tuesday, January 16. School Committee Board members Cindy Sullivan and Melissa Greenfield will be at the Library on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, in the downstairs conference room from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. If you have questions or want to discuss School Committee matters, this is the perfect opportunity! The Library is located at 26 High Street.
about 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
School committee office hours