The last day of school is Friday, June 16, 2023. Dismissal times will be as follows: McGovern: noon, Burke/Memorial: 11:30 am, Middle: 11:02 am, High School, 11:34 am.
over 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
last day of school
The forecast looks incredible! Check out this week's Community Bulletin to learn about upcoming events in Town/School!
over 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Community Bulletin Board
Medway Public Schools seeks certified middle school math & ELA educators for our summer learning programs (rising Grade 6-9 students). More information on the position is here:
over 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Certified Middle School Math & ELA Educators Wanted
Nominations for the Burke/Memorial Plaque are being accepted until May 31. Do you know someone who has made a significant or memorable contribution to Medway Schools or the Town of Medway? Nomination Form:
over 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
burke/memorial plaque
It’s almost the end of the school year. Are you starting to think about teacher appreciation gifts? Medway Foundation for Education’s gift cards is the perfect choice.
over 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
MFE Gift Card
Wording with gift card
The Integrated Preschool Program has some availability for the 2023-24 school year for Community Peers in the 4-year-old 1/2 day afternoon sessions. If interested please get in touch with Sue Frederick, Assistant Director of Student Services,
over 1 year ago, Medway Public Schools
Integrated Preschool Program
Medway Public Schools seeks daily substitutes for all Medway Public Schools. This position offers flexibility to choose which school to work at and which days to work. Interested applicants should reach out to
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
daily substitutes needed
Reminder - All Medway Schools will be released early on Friday, May 19, 2023. Dismissal times are as follows: McGovern: noon, Burke/Memorial: 11:30 am, Middle: 11:02 am, High School, 11:34 am.
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Early Release - May 19
Summer is fast approaching. Do you have your plans in place? Take a peek inside this week's Community Bulletin and fill up your summer calendar. #everythinginoneplace
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Community Bulletin - May 12, 2023
All Medway Schools will be released early on Friday, May 19, 2023. Dismissal times are as follows: McGovern: noon, Burke/Memorial: 11:30 am, Middle: 11:02 am, High School, 11:34 am.
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Eary Release - May 19, 2023
Medway Public Schools seeks daily substitutes for all schools. Do you want the flexibility to choose which school to work at and which days to work? Interested applicants should reach out to Emily King Indeed Job description:
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
All Medway Public Schools seek daily substitutes
The Integrated Preschool Program has some availability for the 2023-24 school year for Community Peers in the 4-year-old 1/2 day afternoon sessions. If interested please get in touch with Sue Frederick, Assistant Director of Student Services,
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Integrated Preschool Program
Do you want a flexible job? Medway Public Schools seeks daily substitutes at all of its schools. You will have the flexibility to select which school you work at and which days to work. It doesn't get much better than that! Interested applicants should submit their application, resume, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation via Indeed.
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Daily Substitutes Needed at All Medway Schools
The Integrated Preschool Program has some availability for the 2023-24 school year for Community Peers in the 4 year old 1/2 day afternoon sessions. If interested please contact Sue Frederick, Assistant Director of Student Services,
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Integrated PK Program Flyer
Do you know someone who has made a significant or memorable contribution to Medway Schools or the Town of Medway? Through service, volunteerism, or dedication, the nominee must have made Medway school or town life better for those who follow. Past or present residents who have sacrificed their lives or freedom to serve their country, either as military members or as civilians contributing to military or peace efforts, may also be nominated. Please find the form using this link:
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Burke Memorial Plaque
Medway's Annual Town meeting is on Monday, May 8, 2023. Do you need childcare services to be able to participate? Members of the 533 Club will be in the aerobics room of Medway High School from 6:30 - 9:00 pm to play games and make crafts with your children. Use this link to register: The special Town meeting will start at 7:00 pm immediately, followed by the Annual Town Meeting at 7:30 pm. Please find links to the Special Town Meeting Warrant, the Annual Town Meeting Warrant, the Finance Committee Report to Annual Town Meeting, and the 2022 Annual Town Report below: Special Town Meeting Warrant: Annual Town Meeting Warrant: Finance Committee Report to Annual Town Meeting: 2022 Annual Town Meeting Report: The meeting will occur at Medway High School, 88 Summer Street, Medway, MA.
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Town Meeting - May 8, 2023
childcare services
Medway Public Schools seeks a Substance Use Prevention Coalition Consultant (part-time). This new position will build capacity for the SUP Medway youth drug prevention coalition. This position will oversee an evening youth drop-in program and support an afterschool youth empowerment group with the collaboration of coalition members and partners. Job Description:
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
SUPMedway seeks substance use prevention coalition consultant
Try something new! A wide selection of programs and events can be found in this week's Community Bulletin. #everythinginoneplace
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Community Bulletin - April 28, 2023
The May 8th McGovern Principal Coffee Hour has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled for sometime in early June. More information to come, thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Coffee Cup with title "Principal Coffee Hours"
The MFPA is excited to partner with Medway High School for the premier of a new annual event - Swing & Sing. We hope you can join us for a night of jazz & cappella music on 5/3, 7:00 pm. in the MHS auditorium. Tickets can be purchased at the Door (Students $5.00/ Adults $8.00).
almost 2 years ago, Medway Public Schools
Swing & Sing